Today May 28, 2012
12:19PM M.E.
12:19PM M.E.
Well tomorrow is the day when the Senate will decide on the Chief Justice's fate. According to the Defense the Prosecution panel was at fault when they did not conduct the cross-examination. Analyst say, Dean of UST (in an interview with Tina on Talk Back), for the Prosecution it is enough that the Chief Justice admitted the Dollar Accounts that was not declared on the SALN. As expected, refuted by the Prosecution, CJ was deceiving the country by not declaring his entire assets and by giving inconsistent statement regarding how he acquired his wealth (by saving). As I have said maybe they didn't eat and didn't send their children to school.
Maybe he bought dollars since he was in Grade 4? In the closing remarks of Rodolfo Farinas. Watch the video for more details:
The Law for SALN (Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth) and FCD (Foreign Currency Deposits Law) is now in question because of its conflicting nature. The FCD law is now deemend to be used as a scapegoat for any Government Official who has ill-gotten wealth. Corrupt politicians may just use their stasg to buy foreign currency deposits and store them in the bank anonymously or unstated in their SALN because FCD prevents the disclosure and privacy of any individual having any currency that is different from their country's own currency. According to the former Chief Justice Hilario Davide who presided the Impeachment Trial of former President Joseph Estrada, the impeachment is 'Healthy for the Philippines' since we are a young nation and young in terms of political experiences and laws. Our constitution was patterned and handed down to us modeled from the US Constitution. This historic event makes a room for improvement of the FCD and SALN Law that in the future may prevent any Government Officials from hiding ill-gotten wealth. As well as for the public to monitor the growth of income of any dubious accumulation of Government Officials.
To summarize my view point on this issue:
"Laws were written for the guidance of every citizen even those who are in a government position (without exception). It was not written to mislead nor was it written to be a tool to serve ones personal interpretation for ones own favor. "
or simply,
The Law... was not written to mislead nor was it written to be a tool for one to interpret in ones own favor.
No matter how we try to keep the the truth from the people and prolong the process of reaching a verdict by fair trial, the truth is simple and it will reveal itself in "good faith" (LOL)
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